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Swimsuits for Kids

< newer | older >

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

Sims Vacation
The Sims

To download any skin in zip format click on the corresponding link. The Sims Vacation skins are prenamed to be used with a Hot Date expansion pack. Extract them into C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\ExpansionShared\SkinsBuy folder. For a non-HD game use The Sims link to download. Extract all the files into C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\GameData\Skins folder.

All skins in all sections come in 3 skin colors unless mentioned otherwise. Heads are not included into the zip files unless noticed otherwise.

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